
Hello and welcome to the Fellow Travelers Recovery Group, an Intergroup of Sex Addicts Anonymous with special interest recovery meetings for Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs). 

Note: Our meetings are not exclusively for MAPs. Any individual wanting to stop addictive and compulsive sexual acting out may attend our meetings. However, they must maintain a safe, confidential space for MAPs to share.

For the safety of this group and the members, we ask all attendees to identify by their first name and last initial and keep their cameras on during Zoom meetings unless, of course, dialing in by phone.

Our meetings are CLOSED to observers. That means you must be an adult 18 years of age and older with the desire to stop addictive, compulsive sexual behavior. Newcomers are welcome to our meetings.

Our meetings are intended to provide minor-attracted people with a safe place to share their experience, strength, and hope with one another as we walk the path of recovery. Whatever the nature of your struggle, if you feel our meetings could be a safe place for you to share, you belong here.

  • No Member List. Due to the special nature of MAP meetings, we do not have a publicly accessible or shared contact or phone list. However, group members frequently provide their contact information during our meetings and you are free to share your contact information privately in the chat.  We ask that you do not place your phone number in your username but use the chat instead.
  • DO share your story at meetings. We understand that it may take you some time to become comfortable enough with our group members to share your own story. Be sure to listen to other people’s shares and offer your own when you are ready.
  • What to NOT Share. What is said and heard must remain in the room. While we do want our members to get current with their struggles and past and settled potentially illegal behaviors, DO NOT SHARE any current illegal behaviors. While anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all 12-step fellowships, confidentiality is not legally protected in meetings, with your sponsor, therapist, or recovery coach. If you are currently having issues we encourage you to contact a person with whom you have privileged communication protections such as a lawyer or clergy, noting that not all states honor privileged communication principles when it comes to actions involving minors.  Revealing current, recent, or unreported illegal activities puts all attendees in a challenging position of either reporting such activity or being an accessory to criminal activity. Just don’t do it.
  • No Cross Talk. While many recovery meetings do not allow or promote open discussions, this meeting does not. After each meeting, the Zoom room will be left open for fellowship. During this time we do not directly give advice unless directly asked. However, we DO share our own experience, strength, and hope. 

Meeting Times and Locations can be found at this link.

Third-Party Resources

The following links are provided solely as a convenience to our members and are not affiliated, endorsed by, or associated with SAA, Fellow Travelers Recovery, or the ISO of SAA.

Twelve Step Fellowships for Sex Addiction:
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous – https://slaafws.org
Sex Addicts Anonymous – https://saa-recovery.org and https://saatalk.info
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous – https://sca-recovery.org
Sexaholics Anonymous – https://sa.org (not recommended for LGBTQ+ or straight unmarried people)
Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families: https://adultchildren.org

Resources for Family/Partners:
S-Anon: https://sanon.org
CoSA: https://cosa-recovery.org/

MAP Specific Resources

Resources for Family/Partners:

Other Resources

ASAP – Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention – Therapy Referrals for Non-Offending Pedophiles/MAPs helps connect MAPs with (more than 560) mental health professionals who provide services for non-offending pedophiles.

SLLC Meetings – For those who have or could have had legal consequences around their sexual behaviors, the Sexual Life and Legal Consequences (SLLC) meetings may be useful. You must be part of a recovery fellowship such as SLAA or SAA.  Learn more.

Recovery Behind Bars (RecoveryBehindBars.com) has created a resource for those experiencing legal consequences from addictions. We would like to recommend you read The Nine Stages of Legal Consequences (https://recoverybehindbars.com/stages) on the RecoveryBehindBars.com website.  If you do not have Internet access because of your legal consequences, please call 570-763-9876 and leave your name and mailing address and a print version can be mailed to you.

SLAA Greater Delaware Valley Intergroup has two INSPIRATION LINES:
Call the 24 Hours – 7 Days a Week
Daily Inspiration Line: 215-574-2120 (3 minute message)
Weekly Inspiration Line: 215-574-2121 (15-20 minute story)
Save them and use them when you need them!


ONLINE GROUPS – Please note that these groups utilize social networking websites that may be prohibited by some individuals’ legal conditions and may be triggering. We neither support nor endorse them. Please use them at your own risk.